Introducing My Portfolio Website
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My name is Charles McGregor, I am a game developer at Tribe Games and this is my personal website. You may know me from Tribe Games with Glitch in the System or maybe Escape Industries with Fingeance. In the past, I have worked on a couple of cool projects that don’t fall under either of those two; so I had a bit of trouble sharing those projects with everyone. But now I am able to talk about some of those projects! This is website is a centralized place where you can follow all of my various escapades. Game development, art, music, or anything else that comes to mind is all fair game.

A New Website? What for?

I am not planning on updating this website like I do over at Tribe Games or Escape Industries. I plan on updating if I am working on an ongoing personal project or something to say. If you are looking for the MOST up-to-date things I would suggest following me on Twitter. I occasionally Live Tweet some Game Jams that I participate in as well as post updates on my projects. This blog is more for long form writing that doesn’t work too well for the micro-blog that is Twitter. Also it is for putting all of my stuff in one convenient place.

With all of that said… I am actually planning on posting updates frequently for the next few months. I am working on a small project for school and I will be posting updates here. I will make a post about it fairly soon so stay tuned for that. But, again, don’t expect me to do this sort of thing all of the time; only when I feel like it… or have to.

At any rate, what do you think of the website? I am still working on it and improving it but I would love to know what you think so far. Feel free to leave a message here or Tweet at me @DarkaysTG.

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